Ceramics Southern Africa


SINCE 1972


3d Printing with clay

There was an amazing workshop on Saturday 14th October at Gordon Institute of Business Science for a demonstration by DRIP

DRIP is a South African company founded by an architect and engineer who have realised the potential of 3D printing in the local industry. They have developed their own Ceramic 3D Printing upgrade kits that are perfect for hobbyists and artists looking to take their work to the next level.

CSA committee member and 3D ceramic printing artist Hendrien Horn shared her knowledge and explain that it is just a different way of creating art with clay using the a new form of the age old coiling technique. Hendrien covered the following in her talk:

History of how and where clay 3d printing started.

Pioneers in the industry, including artists from around the world

The different industries that use this type of technology