
The Corobrik Collection is a contemporary collection of ceramics that represents the development of studio ceramics and the work of rural traditional potters of South Africa over the past four decades.
Linked to this development is also the growth of Ceramics Southern Africa, formerly the Association of Potters of Southern Africa (APSA). Initially the collection was started by Stellenbosch Farmers Winery, who in 1977 became the sponsors of APSA National and Regional exhibitions and purchased the winning pieces of these exhibitions.
In 1982 Corobrik became the sponsor of APSA and acquired the collection. Since then further acquisitions from exhibitions and pieces contributed by members have been added to the collection. The Corobrik collection is housed in the Pretoria Art Museum.

Clay Museum
Rust-en-Vrede Art Gallery Cape Town
26 October
The museum contains an exclusive, mainly contemporary collection of South African
ceramics that represents the various techniques of making, decorating and firing.
This is highly appropriate to Durbanville’s history of having some of the best clay quarries and brickfields in the Western Cape. It was this aspect of Durbanville’s past that inspired the
foundation of a Clay Museum, which was the first of its kind in South Africa.
Maartin Zaalberg was the chairman of the Clay Museum sub-committee who initiated the drive for the Clay Museum. It was officially opened on Sunday 26 October 1986, by the well-known master potter, Esias Bosch.
The museum is not only frequented by adults, but also by school learners doing art projects and needing information on certain artists. The display is continually augmented with new work and also includes the “Oude Meester” Collection, Linn ware and ethnic pottery.