Ceramics Southern Africa


SINCE 1972


Ceramics Southern Africa

CSA Western Cape – December 2022 News

Message from the CSA_WC Co-Chairs

It seems that 2022 has been a turning point of some sort. Celebrating 50 years of existence has come with many learning opportunities and hosting the CSA Corobrik National Ceramics Biennale at 6 Spin Street gallery in Cape Town has been exciting and extremely onerous all at the same time.

As a new committee we have bonded over these experiences, found our feet and risen to the challenge.

Many areas of the organisation were refreshed with a redesign and amalgamation of all the regional websites into one CSA National website. www.ceramicssa.co.za

Hosting the Nationals has also been a fantastic experience and a huge success. We hope that this becomes a new venue for many future ceramic exhibitions in the western Cape.

“We shape clay into pots, but it is the emptiness inside that holds whatever we want. “(TAO Saying) has really resonated with us this year as we have navigated the various goals, we set out to achieve. 

Preparations for the Nationals began at the beginning of the year and has been an ongoing process throughout the year: from securing a gallery, communicating with Corobrik, securing further sponsorship, fine tuning online submission via the new CSA National website, choosing the award judge and selectors, choosing a curator, designing the Ceramic Indaba
(tickets on quicket https://www.quicket.co.za/events/196079-ceramics-indaba/#/ or pay at the door) and basically working hard to bring our concept into reality.

Success was accomplished in all that we set out to do and we are very proud of the team that we have become. 

We hope that you have a good rest over the holiday season and come back refreshed and hopefully minus the challenges of load shedding in the new year. 

We Thank you for your continued support of CSA and we hope to see our members at the CSA_WC AGM in February.

Kind regards 

Joan & Jenny 

Co-Chairs CSA Western Cape.