Average Vendor RatingMy ceramic career began as a hobby about 7 years ago when a friend gave me clay to play with and briefly taught me the traditional way of coiling the clay. With this method I produced many clay vessels but after a period decided to find a new method of production and discovered the art of producing a new range of unstructured ceramic bowls, which I have shown at many exhibitions including DESIGN INDABA 2010 where it received a fabulous response. This was seen by a leading decorating and furniture store, with a national chain of outlets.
My journey in ceramics has evolved into an exciting new porcelain range. I am currently working on a series of ceramic bowls in porcelain, as this type of whiter and more refined clay gives me the desired effect and strength, to achieve the very best results for my vision.
My art career has a long history of working with fabrics, knitting & crocheting and I love to incorporate these into my ceramics. I prefer unstructured as apposed to more perfect pieces and find that I am able to do this with my ceramics. Each bowl which I create is different, giving my work an unique quality. I have an experimental approach to art and enjoy pushing boundaries in this medium. It is an ongoing exploration with `bottemless’ possibilities, and the result is deeply satisfying to me.I have a long journey ahead in this medium, with still much to accomplish, and I am enjoying the journey tremendously. For who knows where it will take me…