About Us

ceramics Southern Africa
Official Respresentative Body of Potters
Founded in 1972, Ceramics Southern Africa is the official representative body of potters in Southern Africa. The objective of the association is to promote ceramics in Southern Africa by improving the work being produced and to foster an interest in ceramics by the general public. This is done by presenting workshops and organising exhibitions regionally and nationally.
The purpose of Ceramics Southern Africa is to maintain a representative forum for the encouragement and fostering of the art and craft of ceramics in Southern Africa. The field encompasses all relevant processes that add value to clay.
In particular, we encourage and foster:
- The creation of awareness of the aesthetic, artistic, cultural and utilitarian value of ceramics.
- The open exchange of skills and the advancement of expertise.
- Building of cooperative relationships between the participants in the value chain of ceramics from resource production through to public distribution.
- Development of the art and craft as a vehicle for economic empowerment and value creation.
- Professional and ethical management of the activities to increase the economic importance of the art and craft in Southern Africa.
- The growth of local and international interactions to ensure awareness of trends in the field.
- The active expression of fun in all endeavours with the medium of clay.
Members range from leading professionals to hobbyists.
History & Future