Ceramics Southern Africa


SINCE 1972



“Trojan Horse”


Ceramic Artist: Carol Hayward Fell

“Trojan Horse “


Much of my inspiration for my art comes from ancient Myths and the art of ancient civilizations. In this case the story is of Ancient Greece and the story of how they defeated the city of Troy in 12th cuntury BC. The decade long seige of the city of Troy was originally caused when two lovers, Paris of Troy fell in love with the beautiful Helen who was married to Menelaus, the King of Sparta. Paris took Helen away from her husband and back to Sparta.

The Trojan Horse in the story, is the way the Greeks won the war. After a decade long seige, the Greeks pretending to sail away, after leaving a massive wooden horse (secretly filled with soldiers), outside the gates of Troy. The unsuspecting Trajans brought the wooden horse inside their city gates. During the night, the Greek soldiers climbed out, opened the gates to Troy and let in the rest of their army, which had sailed back during the night. Finally, the city of Troy fell.


My horse of Troy is hand made out of high-fired terra-cotta clay and applied oxides. Epoxy has been used to attach some of the parts.

Handmade in high fired terracotta clay (stoneware) with texture and black iron oxide. Terra cotta clay is a clay high in red iron content and is usually associated with  earthenware (low fired) plant containers. By firing to a much higher temperature of around 1220°c, not only does the clay become stronger as it becomes “stoneware”, but the red iron oxide in the clay deepens in colour as the oxide melts. I love this rich deep colour and it works well on my sculptures.

This high stoneware firing deepend the colour in the iron oxide rich clay to achieve this rich maroon colour. High firing also strengthens ceramics.

Height: 34 cm. X Length: 31 cm.X  Width: 17 cm.

Weight: 2.550 kg.

Weight 2.550 kg
Dimensions 31 × 17 × 34 cm